Monday, March 9, 2009

Squishy Lump On Dogs Head

Museum of Natural History

Questions about Geology SVT:

Find the answers on the site of the Museum of Science of Toulouse.

1. The Gabbro is an igneous rock, but is it original plutonic or volcanic origin? What part of the Earth (crust, mantle magma ,...) comes form this rock?

2. What others can you rock magamatiques see the museum? Are they original plutonic or volcanic origin?

3. In the museum you can also see some sedimentary rocks we have seen in class. Which? How limestone can occur?

4. In the museum there is a large collection of minerals. What minerals do we covered in class? From what substance they are compounds (sulfate, phosphate ...)?

Questions on Botanical SVT:

1. Some fungi do not grow directly on the ground. That means "tinder fungus is lignicolous? What is the tinder?

2. What are "Rhodophyta"? Are they edible?

3. There is a fruit called "hopelessness of monkey, can you explain why?

Questions on Zoology SVT:

1. The octopus is a mollusk, but is it poisonous? Why?

2. A mollusk is used to dye the royal purple robes: which one?

3. Describe the appearance of the platypus. How does it reproduce?


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