Sunday, August 16, 2009

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When the earth shakes

The inhabitants of Tokyo (东京) live in fear of a major earthquake that would certainly enormous damage. But it is in the region of Shizuoka (静冈) at the foot of Mount Fuji (富士山) that yours truly has experienced a significant earthquake on an outing with a group of Japanese friends. Tuesday morning (August 11), about 5:00, we were awakened by a sharp vertical jolt followed by tremors long and strong enough to knock items placed on a table. These movements are accompanied by squeaks often more disturbing than the shock. We were ill wake up and reassured by the relatively new hotel where we were. But the minute the earthquake lasted long enough concerned members of his family in a less safe place, and even a few of these delicate plates stored so very imprudent on the edge of the table at home.
For those who are at home, the first instinct is to cut off the gas, then go to seek shelter in a place that is not afraid of falling objects, praying that the building does not collapse. Everyone is indeed not equal before the earthquakes. Older people often live in wooden houses that date from their marriage, there are about fifty years. The apartments in prefabricated cheap (アパート) where young and smaller are also more often live presentations, major recent modern structures (hotels and offices) are generally safe.
Immediately after the quake, television broadcasts information immediately about the earthquake, and in particular the risk of tidal waves. In this case, the risks were low, and the magnitude of the earthquake relatively large but not catastrophic (6.5 approximately). Then, everyone has called or sent text messages to his family to make sure everything was okay. Then, as he was not given any signs of evacuation of the hotel, everyone went back to sleep.
wake up, we learned more about the damage. The most important thing is a landslide that swept away a tract of Highway Tomei (东 名 高速 道路) between Tokyo and Nagoya, the country's largest, just days before the big crossover of the Japanese summer . There was also some warnings to gas in the center of Shizuoka, and several thousand homes without water for a few days. The more prudent had followed the custom is that we always have water at home, for example by keeping its full tub permanently. More anecdotally, a section of wall Castle Sunpu (骏 府城) within the city collapsed. It seems that those walls, rebuilt often, are not as robust as they have in the air. In the following days, because it takes time to assess the damage through the ward, we learned that several thousand homes were damaged up to falling roof tiles. Most shops smelling of alcohol, as many glass bottles have not survived the shock. Some wine shops have seen the exhibition goods destroyed. There were about two hundred wounded and the dead whose cause seems to be related to the earthquake. Perhaps most impressive, tremor de terre fut finalement moins destructeur que les inondations dans l'arrière-pays de Kobe (神戸) la semaine précédente, et causées par un petit typhon(台風) se déplaçant lentement, et donc provoquant des pluies trop longues.
Nous devions ensuite prendre le train rapide ( Shinkansen 新幹線) pour rejoindre l'ouest du Japon. Ce service est légendaire pour sa ponctualité, et l'on peut d'habitude régler sa montre à la seconde près sur l'arrivée des trains en gare. Il a cependant bien fallu faire les vérifications nécessaires sur la ligne, et le service n'a repris que noon on the line with four hours behind schedule. We arrived at the station around 14 am, and waited half an hour a train arrives. We almost get a seat, but are finally staying up until our station correspondence. When we arrived, we went to the counter where the employee has repaid a portion of the ticket and apologized very politely obliged us to travel standing.
the evening of August 15, the highway is finally repaired after the work has been delayed several times, the ground being softer than expected. For most locals, the earthquake has made more concrete risk of an earthquake that everyone knows. Many have probably spent some time staring at the cupboards and shelves, and paste the transparent plastic film on windows. This prevents broken glass from falling, and reduces the risk of injury. The wall of the castle, it will be rebuilt later. Our hotel has in turn added prominently on its web page explanation of the exceptional strength of its building to the earthquake, a return to business very reassuring.


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